Friday, August 7, 2020

Baby chat

I guess I haven't publicly posted on my blog that I'm pregnant. I'm sort of just saving posts in my drafts section as journals. I guess I should give a little public update. I am pregnant! 19 weeks today! We are having a girl according to the blood test we got a few weeks ago. We will be having an anatomy scan ultrasound next friday. Everything has gone ok so far. I am taking a daily aspirin and prenatals. Trying to stay on top of my health as much as possible. We have gotten to hear the heartbeat a few times now. It is always relieving to hear the heartbeat at the appointments. I have not been feeling normal at all. I am super emotional. I am having all the ups and downs. I have been dealing with a sort of nausea that has made me puke with a few random nasty smells, but mostly just an inability to wear tight clothes and high necklines and my wedding ring. I don't love wearing tennis shoes. I have been wearing my new birkenstocks that I got most of the time. That is okay unless I'm on my feet too much. Then I have massive swelling in my feet. I have had a sleep study and ended up getting put on a CPAP machine. I know it has helped a little but its sort of frustrating getting adjusted to it. I want a new bed and I want a home with central air, but other than that Im not too picky. JK. I have been living on peanut butter cracker sandwich packs for breakfast. I've been to a chiropractor twice already. I'm so hoping to stay away from my sugary foods and stay on supplements that help my insulin levels stay regulated. I really don't want to have to take that 3 hour glucose test again. Keeping my drink down for 3 hours while fasting was difficult. Brett and I have been tossing a few names around. I never thought it would be so hard to decide on a name for a baby girl. I have been able to get a brace for my belly, but I have yet to actually wear it. Today has been the day that my pelvis has felt the worst, but I'm just trying to rest. I haven't quit my job yet, but the way I feel today makes me think I'm not going to make it as long as I would like to. Not sure there is much more I can update on right now, but surprise! I'm pregnant and I'll be having a baby before christmas. That math might not add up, but yeahhh I'll be having another december baby. So crazy.