Friday, September 18, 2009

I've been wanting to post something good here on my blog. I guess I real story or event. Not just a little picture that goes with something. Everything is just jumbled up though. Its easier to just write about a moment or something shortly after it happens. I am sitting in my home alone tonight. My roommates are gone. Holly is off with other friends. She is going to go rock climbing tomorrow at Red River Gorge, and I optd out of that trip. I am going to go see my nephews soccer game tomorrow and then get some things done around the house. We are in the middle of packing to move out. I'm sure the roommates are too much loving me for my decision to go back to school for awhile cause this means they have to move out. SIGH... sorry girls. Its just what I had to do for myself at this point in my life. I am going to go do the Master Bodyworker program at my school (UCMT in SLC) I'm looking forward to it. Classes start oct 13th and go for ten weeks. Thats the shortest update of all the crazy stuff that is on my mind, but I gotta stop now. Hopefully I can get some sleep and get up in time for this game.

1 comment:

Addie Gaylord said...

hey, thanks for the invite. i had no idea you were going private somehow i missed it all together and have been off in la la land. hope your doing good:)