This is where ill b starting out my new year. At my parent cute lil house. I am currently blogging while snuggled up on a hand me down day bed/trundle bed from my 4 yr old the corner in the office in parents....cute lil house. Cant go anywhere but up from here. I have yet to find a home for my things but eh they are just things anyway. I took a tour of a day spa today. I was impressed. I may bring my resume in. I havent gotten anything set in stone yet as to where ill b doing massage. So ill prob talk more on that later. So many options 4 this coming year. Just have to decide what i did right last year...take note and learn. And decide what i did wrong. Take note....and not do it again! Those are hard lists for me to pull out. What kind of realistic change can i make of myself. The more drastic the more impressive right? Wonder what kind of stunt id like to pull of
next? Hmmm this will b fun. Workbook collage fun begins
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