Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Wreck stuff....
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Saturday, June 26, 2010
Monday, June 21, 2010
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers Day....
Just wanted to take a minute to say Happy Fathers Day to my dad. I guess this is a lame way to say happy fathers day, but I'd rather write a blog then send a late card.
Thanks dad for all you do. I appreciate your chill attitude. I appreciate the love of adventure that you've given me. Where else would I have gotten it in my mind to move so much if it wasn't for you and our relocating every couple years. Thanks for being you. I love you.
and happy fathers day to my uncle (also pictured... thanks for being there for me while i lived out west when i was far away from my dad)
Temple trip
ahhh man I thought I had a full group shot. BUT NO. we went on another temple trip with a great turn out and i made everyone gather for a picture. I thought i got one before i went to stand in the group. I guess I only got this one of the photographer. It was starting to rain. Either way it was a great day. I'm glad I did end up going even though it was packed. I had a great drive to and from the temple with two good friends and one new friend.
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Secret Powers of Time -
I was just looking at a few videos tonight on best of youtube kind of interesting that I'm sitting here tonight trying to figure out what better to do with my time...yet somehow wasting it on youtube and then listening to a guy talk about how people ues their time and ..just watch it. its interesting
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
FWD: Giant Jesus in Middletown got struck by lightening and burned down last nig
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Monday, June 14, 2010
American Family

This was Memorial Day weekend. Spent the afternoon with my family. Well, all but Justin. He had planned a camping trip with friends. Hope he had fun. He is finally out of school for the summer. Got back from the New York City Ensemble show choir trip and is looking for a summer job. I think he plans to work at the corn maze or maybe clean some horse stalls or something. Jordan is still working at Taco Bell in Xenia and has recently acquired a couple tattoos. a quote on his forearm that is so long i cant remember what it says and a lion on his upper arm/ shoulder. Not a fan of tattoos really, but i'm sure some people really like the artwork. Mom basically said, wasted 50 bucks on that?! He still lives at home and I'm not sure how college has been working out for him and what his future plans are. I do know he is always looking for a better car. He drives the boat of a vehicle he bought from jared and it gets horrible gas mileage. So hopefully soon enough he can get his crap together :) Then next up the line of siblings is Jared and his Fam. Nikki and the girls will have an interesting next year. The girl will continue to outnumber boys in that household. Nikki is expecting their 4th child on july 30th. I think they plan to name him Elijah Chase, the number of boys vs. girls would be even now, but jared will be going away for a year. I think KBR is the name of the company he applied to about 2 yrs ago when he got out of the army. They finally called him back and offered him a job. Last I heard he goes to Texas july 12th to do some final testing before the ship him to Iraq for a year. Its a foreman position. I don't know all the details but i'm sure jared is pretty excited to get a great paying job that is a contract for a year.He hopes to stay with the company after the year and try to work from one of their locations in ohio after the year is up. Nikki, Jennifer, Angela and Isaiah are all doing well. Isaiah got his first haircut recently. I'm suprised one of the girls didnt give it to him with as many times as they have ended up cutting each others hair. OH KIDS... I see them lots. It feels like they are over at my moms every time I go there. Nikki and Jared both aren't working right now so thye spend a lot of time garage sale-ing with my mom. I don't think there is anything that my mom loves more. I mean if poor people paid others to shop for them. My mom would be able to have the perfect job! Her eyes always light up when she gets to share in the glory of retelling of a get deal! haha I benefited recently when she purchased a Magic Bullet smoothie making machine for me. I LOVE IT> only 10 bucks. My favorite story ever though is the most recent of her buying a pair of jeans at a sale for $1. Jordan didnt like since the tags were still on..she took them back to JCPennys. Haha $32 store credit. So of course my mom goes to the clearance rack and buys that much and more worth of things because she had a spend 25 and get 10 off coupon. She is a funny lady. She always has a list on her mind of things people need. And she usually just buys things and then figures out who to get them to later. Oh yeah....i could write a whole blog of my moms garage sale finds haha. She told herself she was going to go to walmart and nowhere else the other day. No, thats right folks, she came home with a new hide a bed chair for the living room to stick next to the fake fireplace they just got from a garage sale too. OHHH and tomorrow they will be picking up a new furnace for tinas house. OK...backto the update. Me. i'm next. I work part time now at my date entry job. I wanted to be able to make more time for Massaging. Its been good so far. Oh and I kind of needed more time in my schedule for doing Relief Society things. I think it was early Feb. when I got called to be the singles branch RS President. Still learning new things every week in meetings and councils. Its interesting to see the organization and order of the church from a leaders viewpoint. I struggle with feeling like I'm doing good at it or making any difference....but I know I just need to try harder and keep my head up. Some days are better than others. Just gotta learn from my mistakes and make changes. Other things in my summer= I got a cedar fair platinum pass... basically i can go to kings island or cedar point any time i want to this summer. I feel like i've almost already paid for it. I went with my nephews one night already and friends another day. I plan on going to cedar point soon here. I still love living with my roommates Wendy and Miranda. I love my home. My best friend and old roommate Holly is going to be leaving for school in a couple weeks. So now we are watching her piano at our house. I love that. Its nice to play every now and then. We also threw a super fun lil shin dig for her last night at our house. I'd say we had about 35 people show up. It was pretty awesome. I hope my neighbors were ok with the fact that we had people pouring out our front and back doors and they all didnt leave until probably around midnight. Thats all on me for now. My sister and her family are doing alright. Anthony is still looking for work. He recently got baptized. He is speaking in church next week. Wish I could be there. I think the members should be able to help him get up and moving again and find a job. I guess tina said its been nice to have him at home with his daughter Jaylyn from time to time....but I still think they are both wishing one of them had better employment. Anthonys oldest daughter Faith is expecting a lil baby as well. Sophia will be her name. Not sure when she is due, but the thought of my sister being a 31 year old grandma kind of makes me laugh. and i'm not sure what AJ is doing for the summer...probably the same thing any teenage boy would be doing... hangin with friend and playing video games and half looking for a job so he can have gas money to drive around when he wants to while waiting for football to start up again. Jake and Stacey are still doing really well. Stacey is about to get her masters in November....cant wait to party it up/celebrate with her for that. Jake is forever getting new toys. They must have like 3 or 4 four wheelers now. I think i'm going over wed night to play on them. They have also slowing been changing and fixing things up at their house. Making things brighter and better. I love the new colors and the ikea furniture in the boys rooms. Brandon is getting so big...blows my mind. He was way excited when he got to ride the Diamondback at Kings Island with Jake. As for Bryce he just recently graduated from preschool. I missed it but i heard that He said he wants to be a doctor when he grows up. Joe and Wendy are also doing pretty well. Joe has been going to school to become a medical assistant and Wendy got her associates degree recently. She is still looking for and interview for jobs in hopes that joe can quit working at mcdonalds while he is in school. Wendy is also babysitting for a few families to make some money as well. Jesse just turned 8 today actually. We went to his bday party on saturday. He had a wrestling themed party. I love that they had a ton of people over for his party. Wendy throws a good party. It was just a sticky hot humid day. Kaylee had been taking dance classes for awhile and we went last sunday to go see her recital. Me and Joe have decided she needs a new dance school. I dont think wendy feels the same way. I think i'd have to say that Justin should just give her lessons. hahaha his choreography for show choir stuff was more put together than half of these girls routines. I'm just not a fan of dance studio dance classes. They baby the girls too much. i know they are only 3 but even the older girls who have been dancing for 10 years kinda...well weren't the least bit impressive. Okay that may be rude, sorry. KK was super adorable on stage though. She did a great job. That pretty much covers everyone. Oh except my parents... I think my dad is forever trying to find a new / better job or position with social security. It just hasnt come up. He is always looking for a new car and a new job. Whatever makes you happy. Maybe He will find me a decent new car. I'm ok with him always looking. I am sure mine is going to crap out real soon. I have a super long list of things that are just not right. I cant wait for the 4th of July weekend. We are going up to Marblehead for a wknd with extended family and my grammys bday party. 85. wow. Should be a good time. oh and other trips i have planned are to lake cumberland KY and to palmyra NY and possibly Ontario in august. Not sure where to go for my 30th, but Hawaii would be nice.