Lost my micro SD card reader= :( sad
got a new phone with a better camera= :) happy
never get enough sleep= :( sad
went for my 2nd appointment with my nutritionist= :) happy
(things are going good...no details now...but its been a month)
freak out on a regular basis in private= :( sad
have been going on walking dates with a friend= :) happy
(sheesh reilly...this is getting serious huh?)
my little brother is graduating from High School= :( sad
(because thats another mark of how much time has gone by)
going to AZ to for the 10 yr reunion of show low high school....which is kind of funny and hard to explain to people because..well I didnt REALLY graduate from there = :) happy
(super looking forward to the long weekend thurs night thru sunday 11th -15th)
cant seem to keep my hands soft enough from cracking= :( sad
i have amazing friends too numerous to mention. blessed, not bragging. love them all dearly!!! = :) happy
old roommate cathie came to visit for a couple days ... gone already= :( sad
when i think really hard.....the happy things seems to come more readily than the sad....life really is good among having stress.... = :) happy
time to go get back to the things of life....bills, cleaning, working, laundry... not napping= :( sad
last thought~~~~~ :) going to get a new purse soon= :) happy
I loved this post! So many happy things--it makes the sad seem less sad, huh!
Thanks for saying Hi on my blog! You're too nice!
Stalk away, I'm gonna put you in my reader so it will be mutual!
BEEEEETH! Hey, it's Brei! I just so happened to come across your blog a while ago! I haven't talked to you in a while. How are ya?
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