Monday, September 5, 2011

Not my house ....scary though

This is not my house....
nor is the second picture my house. thankfully  :) This is where my friend Ryan lives. He keeps his car parked in that garage that you can see behind the tree. Luckily during storms he keeps his truck on the street. I had to get pictures from every angle. I was in super shock. I live about a mile from here. I feel like I heard the lightening crack this tree. It was the loudest storm I have been in for a long while. See how charred the tree got from being struck?! And to think I know someone who was struck by lightening. That must feel awful. Well that's about how I feel today. The last picture was taking while I was standing on the front porch looking at the street. Thank goodness prayers are answered and Ryan and his things were spared.This could've been a really messy situation. The worst thing the storm gave me, or didn't allow me was a full nights rest. Eh, I deprive myself of those every so often without the help of Mother Nature. I'll survive, sad to say, I don't think this tree will.

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