Friday, June 29, 2012

Special moments.

Reasons why I love BYU Idaho this week.
*Monday's FHE was lesson was by Bro Baron. He is a stake president in the area and he told his conversion story. He grew up Jewish. Went to Hebrew school. He told how he found Jesus. It was a really captivating story. Glad to have met him.
*Tuesday- Reilly and John Butler came into town and I managed to feel like I had caught up enough on my homework to take a day off of school. We headed to Yellowstone. Camped that night in the freezing cold. Why do I always think this will be a great idea when its cold weather. I ended up in my car. Not good sleep, but a nice drive up there.
*Wednesday- Um...can't tell you why I love BYUI. I was definitely NOT in Idaho. I was off taking fun pictures and enjoying a drive around God's beautiful earth.
*Thursday- Spent all day on campus doing homework, meeting with group people. Went to a cultural night where we got to see all kinds of strange dancing and acting. Oh the awkwardness never stops. I also witnessed an angry library goer. Apparently the exit music was "exceedingly annoying" tonight. I think I should post all of the creeper pictures I took today too. I just got invited to a string theory party. I was read a wrap that was written in a text message. AND my favorite part ever was being able to partake of beautiful music. Me & and a friend hung out in a stairwell at the library while some stranger played his guitar for a few of us. I think it was the most perfect thing for my night. I asked to take his picture then shortly after we were asked to leave because we were apparently being too loud. Should you care to listen go here for the sweet sounds of the stairwell. We will see what tomorrow brings. I just have to say that I am not loving all my learning and growing right now so these brief moments of goodness that make me smile are things I'm grateful for. I know I'll make it through the classes, but....I worry too much and stress too much and don't quite get things as fast as I would like. Okay, I'm just hard on myself. Things will get better. I am looking up.

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