Friday, February 29, 2008


This may seem totally silly to everyone who stumbles across my blog. Deal with it! Last week I went shopping at the local grocery store. I found a sweet deal on cereal. I got 4 boxes for $5! When cereal usually cost $3 for one box I thought I was getting a super great deal. I picked out 4 that sounded good and went about my shopping. It wasn't until a couple days later when I opened the Honey Smacks that I realized it had something special inside! A free Barbie watch! Rock on! I have no idea how long it has been since I have opened a box of cereal and gotten a free prize. I'm pretty sure back in the day when I remember getting these sort of things they were never this good! Were they?! And it wasn't even the kind of watch that you had to poke a pen into a tiny little hole in order for it to be able to set it to the correct time. I love it! It actually fits my wrist too. Its a good thing some little 5 yr old didn't get this toy because it would NOT have fit her little hand/wrist. Anyway, I know its simple, but I was more than excited. I even wore it to the party I went to that night. I'm pretty sure everyone that sees me wearing it probably gets a little jealous :)


keilah said...

That is cool!!! Free stuff is the best!!!!

Zak and Allysia said...

You're right, I don't remember when the last time was I got a prize from a cereal box...these days you have to send in like 10 UPC codes AND $20 for shipping and handling before you get anything "free!"

CJ said...

Why don't you have TV anymore?

CJ said...

Why don't you have TV anymore?

Cheryl said...

YEAH!! It's Beth! I am so excited to find your blog. Rachel sent a text about her blog, and I checked out her links! YEAH! come visit our blog sometime.

I love this post! It really makes me smile.
Lots of luv,

Kristi K. said...

Oh how neat! I love it! Free prizes rock!