Monday, September 13, 2010

Love It

There is nothing that puts a smile on my face as easy as seeing an old friend...or two or three. Today was full of smiles for me. I love catching up with old friends and seeing where life has taken them and catching up and telling them about the crazy comings and goings I've been through. I might sound a lil crazy at times when I recount my last year so quickly, but I think it made for an entertaining evening. I never knew I could explain a years time in so short of a recap. friends, marriages, kids, experiences...lots to talk about. I am not sure if my friend reads this blog or not but she talked about meeting someone who was a visionary. I know it was a pretty cool experience for her to have. I think it is pretty cool when someone can look into your eyes and kinda see things about you. Window to your soul. Its crazy. I feel like there are people that have that ability that I know. They haven't said they are those visionary people, but they are influnced alot by emotions and feelings with no solid proof background. Sounds to me that they see things but dont really talk about it. ANYWAY...I like talking to these people. I don't think they are crazy, but when people have different talents it makes me feel like I'm not so strange afterall. And so I got a good conversation or two in today that left me with plenty of things about my own life to sort out. crossroads are a good place to be even if it feels like traffic is coming in both directions and I'm going to be hit by something big. Yeah maybe I could be more specific but....if I need to be later, maybe I'll talk about this more.

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