Friday night I went to Lexington KY to go to a Black and White ball...ball?...hmmm...thats debatable. I would call it more of a black and white dressy type ish dance. It was branch size attended. Mormons...gotta love them, but we/they/us...whatever. Not really anyone can dance very well. A few people can dance a little bit in one kind of dance. It consisted of a lot of line dancing, lots of circles where one person does something stupid while everyone claps like it was really awesome....or two lines facing each other while people AGAIN retardly strut their stuff down the way. Oh well...we laughed, we look lots of pictures and hey , even if we cant dance, at least conversation was fun and friendly. Social skills aren't really at an all time high either. Can't even explain that, but over all....the dance was fun. Then Me and holly went back to her friends house. She has an old BYU roomie that lives in Lexington now. We stayed the night with her. When we got to her house I was totally fascinated. She has a spinning wheel. She let me peddal it for a little bit. I don't really know if thats even the right way to say it, but yeah, she spun a little bit of wool into yarn for us. AWESOME> who does that?! We talked and petted her cat then it was time for much needed sleep. I'm somewhat of a couch surfer and I must say....her couch was comfy even if it was short....THANK YOU MELISSA :)
So the next morning we got up and went on our way. It was about an hour drive to Red River Gorge. I'm glad we made a day trip out of it. It was so worth it. I have been missing doing cool things and seeing nature. This time last year it was Grand Canyon, Lake Powell, Zions National Park, and Sunsets and Sunrises in all kinds of places. This year my trip to Red River Gorge was much needed. Beautiful country. It wouldve been amazing to be there to see the leaves changing colors though too....maybe we'll go back, its hard to say. Holly kinda thought out loud as we were at one look out point. I wonder how they decide what color to be. I about died laughing. She made the trees seems so human and like they were going to change to a different color each day depending on how they felt. OK so maybe she made the trees sound so much like a female :) haha. We stopped at one point to go walk out on this one bridge. I don't know why I torture myself with the whole bridge and heights thing. They always freak me out but i love it! We got lots of fun pictures (self photos) and posed for many many fake senior pics. Then we went for a little hike to see this sky bridge rock thing. yeah i dont know techincal terms. The Sky Bridge hike was fun though. It was only suppossed to be 1 mile,but i think we somehow hiked more than that. OH MY was such a humid day. It always is out here though. And I'm not a girl that *glistens* I sweat massive drops in massive amounts. Wowzers. I can't handle that it looks like I dump water on my head. I can't help it though. Its how I am. A friend told me, well, at least you know you are alive. Shoot. I was REALLY alive that day. So went I get around to posting pictures....i'm sorry that I look wasted and washed in a waterfall... there wasnt any natural water sources that I partook of...only the stuff seeping from my pores. Okay, its late, I gotta wrap this up. I have work is of course LABOR day. SOOO we finally finished our hike and made our way back through cincinnati. It was a fun drive even though I was so super tired and hot. I cooled of after awhile and then we stopped and met up with a cincy friend and played some frisbee golf and he bought us dinner ( aww thanks some people are too kind ) soo yeah, i've never played that. I decided I need help on my frisbee skills. Then by the time I got home it was time to pop in a movie and rest from my exhausting day. I watched Penelope. Good flick. I recommend it highly to anyone.
then / vt'ing / and....fireworks in cincy with melody and friends...(more on that later)
all in all....great weekend....thanks to everyone who made it possible
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Making lists....
Things to do today....
- Grocery shop
- Attend a cooking class/Enrichment activity
- Feel better
- Sign up for Insurance
- check facebook
- Decide what hike to go on in KY this weekend
- Plan what to wear to the Black and White ball
- Write more lists of long term things to do
- check the mail
- Possibly go see the Momma
- Order camera for my sister
- Read upcoming SS lesson
- Call Sarah to wish her Happy Birthday
- Clean up computer (its running too slow)
Thats life...and Hopefully that list will really get completed today...
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
awwww. I have some pretty amazing friends if I do say so myself. There is sort of a longer story behind this, but I just want to give the short version. My roommate Wendy left the house today to go to work and found this on our doorstep. (I hope you can read the note just fine)
Chocolate Chip pancakes and Ham & Eggs.
How freaking cute is that?!
So jared if per chance you happen to be reading this....
Made my day....and IT DIDNT SUCK AT ALL!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Can I get a big west TEXAS YEEE HAWWW??
What a fun night!!!
So pictures are not even close to being in order, but thats perfectly okay. I'm having issues tonight. Eh, i'm over it. Holly let me wear her hat once we got to the Yellow Rose. Yes it was pretty funny that we showed up to the Texas Road House wearing these clothes. It was a lot more funny there actually cause we stood out like a sore thumb. Once we got to the Yellow Rose people were dressed like this FOR REAL! oh man oh man.
The first picture is me reilly and Holly. I love the sash that Alicia gave Reilly that said something like miss birthday girl or something. I had brought a hat for her to wear but as it turns out I left it in alicias car. OOPS
And Pretty much you can just enjoy the other pictures. There isnt much to say right now about all the fun that we had. We did some line dancing and stayed out pretty late. All in all it was a fun evening. Will and Reilly make me laugh the most. Just watching them really get into this whole western theme with belt buckles and all...FUNNY. I just wish I could get the picture of my shoes of my phone right now, but I dont have the right computer equipment to do that right now. BUMMER. they are super ugly sweet shoes/boots. I dont know what they would really be classified as.

I know this may seem a little strange that a big group of mormons went out to a bar. No worries...we just went for the dancing...and of course the bull riding...

They are BUFF. Thats hot!
And they dance like maniacs!!
Alicia Reilly Olivia Emily Beth (me)
And last but not least... i'm not sure what we are freaking about, but it was cool at the time.

They are BUFF. Thats hot!

And they dance like maniacs!!

Alicia Reilly Olivia Emily Beth (me)

And last but not least... i'm not sure what we are freaking about, but it was cool at the time.
Friday, August 15, 2008

Later this evening I am going out with some friends to have a WESTERN theme night. Its Reillys birthday coming up and she wanted to go out and do something fun. Hopefully this will turn out well. We are going to all dress western and then go to texas roadhouse for dinner then after that we are going country dancing at THE YELLOW ROSE. This should prove to be an interesting evening. Its going to be a western fashion show with some of these boys and girls that are going....I need to go locate some sweet cowboy boots. I already have the snap shirt and cowboy hat. WISH ME LUCK!!!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I just have to say I'm super addicted to Facebook and updating my status. AND so its rolling over to my blog thinking today. I just wanted to do a post to update on my status for the day. I am going to be going to IKEA. (just got a new one in Ohio :) woo hoo). I've never been. I didn't know why I'm so excited to go. I have just heard good things about it and there are a few things i need to look for since I just moved into my new apartment a few short months ago. We are still organizing and junk. THEN....we are going to go to Jungle Jim's. I cant wait to post pictures after the fact. BUT this place is an awesome international grocery store. I think it calls for more tim tams. AND they are famous for their bathrooms. Don't ask just yet. I'll get a picture I'm sure in the "Thrown". AFTER all the fun we will have shopping for foods from Peru and the Dominican Republic we will go out to get some food from a Dominican restaurant. I have a roommate who is Peruvian and one who served a mission in the DR. SOOOO this should be a very cultural day. If today was an episode I think the title would be called......"Where's my mom?!"
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

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