This isnt current...but oh well...Its me and Ben...i'm not sure if this is me mocking him, or him mocking me with the cheesy smile effects...but I must go on with my story for today...

Why Ben makes me laugh......
So I was on my way out of my house today to go pick up a friend for the singles branch activity when my phone rang. It started off with just lots of laughing. So that was funny in and of itself, but it was Ben and I finally got him to tell me what was going on. He was laughing so hard and just saying "A tree landed on my car". I'm not sure I know many people who laugh when a tree lands on their car...but BEN, my friends in one of those people. So in my mind i'm picturing him looking out his apartment window and seeing some tree topple over on his car. But that wasnt that case. I asked did you see it or were you in it? And well i was thinking and talking so much and asking questions that it took awhile to get to the answer, but as it turns out he was in the car when it happened?! I guess it would be first good to explain that he lives in TX and today there has been hurricane activity, high winds, rain and things of that nature. Therefore the reason for power lines and trees to be down. Reasons you would think that people wouldnt need to go to work and/or bring movies back. Don't worry, Ben must be really special. See....he works for an all important VET....and i dont mean like war vet, i mean....animal hospital vet. duh. the boss still made them come in to work this morning even with all this crazy storm talk. I guess he told me he only stayed an hour and then went home. I think that is the point when he realized he had to bring a movie back and it sounded like he didnt really want to stay at his apartment with no power anyway. So he proceded to leave...even though i'm pretty sure people were being advised not to drive but there was a break in rain and wind for a he decided it was time to bring the movie back. It was only a one day rental! haha duh.. anyway. i think the movie got back safe, but he told me he was talking to his mom about his aunts and uncles and how they were all freaking out because a huge part of the storm hit in Beaumont where his family is from and it was all crazy with other family members and phone calls where people were crying. (hopefully i'm relaying and remembering this all right, but i suppose its not a huge deal if its not all 100% accurate) he was talking to his mom...THAT is when the tree slowly fell and hit his car. All he could do was laugh. His mom was wondering what happened, but he said, i cant tell you or else you will freak out. Now tell me that isnt something a mother wants to hear?! haha again, funny to me to hear. He said as he was driving down this road he was thinking to himself i shouldnt be on this road there are lots of trees and power lines, but every time he looked down a side road there were trees blocking the road. So he kept driving. I guess this must've been when he stopped talking to his mom and called me. As I was talking to him he finally made it to the church building where they had a generator and people gathering to be so they could have power while they waited out the storm. I just think thats super crazy. I can't even imagine being in all that mess. I asked him the other night if he had his 72 Hr kit. I guess it makes a little more sense to me now as to why we are warned to be prepared. You never know what is going to hit...and where. I think where i am its more likely that we would see massive amounts of tornados than anything else, but i guess these hurricanes are causing damage to alot of areas. I think I'm going to call later tonight to get the scoop on how things are going at that church building that everyone is staying at as a shelter. I salute you ben, good luck on your adventures. If you come out alive and welll...which i'm sure you will. I hope you call me with many more laughs. I think you should call the radio and ask them what is going on and tell them you think you were struck by a tree :)
basically i have a busy night, but i needed to share my ben story and share the old picture...cause i would feel wrong about stealing on off your blog ben ....
you are somethin else...good times....keep saving those animals