Wish I couldve put this in the right order. oh well. This was the offical sign. I like sign pics.

This was a look out that we pulled over and went to check out.

This was just along our hike at the Sky Bridge

This was on the way down to KY the night before. (taken on my phone I might add, not too shabby) i love the random sunset pics...

This picture was taken just to show our friend Ben who appreciates moss because its so unambitious.

uh this picture was taken, probably while i was like, um, holly remember how i said i WASNT going to rock climb! yeah, this is me, climbing up on this rock for no freaking good reason...haha it was funny. and it was so hot and sooo humid!

and this is the picture i took on my phone at Sky Bridge

I loved this sign as well. red river gorgeous..haha awesome!

so some of the rocks had holes, perfect for a crazy picture.

see a wider angle of the rocks and holes and things.

dont know why i was just pointing my finger. just holding the rocks up i guess.

this is the NOTHING tunnel...it was fun.

kinda creepy and fun at the same time. I love it!

we were fascinated by the spider webs...so

there are multiple pictures of the spider webs... i hope you enjoy.

This is driving into KY...a little while after that sunset picture...this one is also taken on my phone...

This was where holly asked about leaves changing colors...

and then we got another self photo...i think it looks like we have fake smiles. oh well.

more scenery...

this one is the famous katie pose....i made holly do it. she might hate me for it. oh well

and multiple pictures of us taken by US :)

this suspension bridge that we were on...

this one makes me laugh too...

my dad mentioned something about holly wood in this picture. corny jokes are his specialty

this is where people carved their names one too many times in the rock. I hate that. sad but i cant say i've never put my name in nature anywhere... on a tree once, my first year at girls camp. i was young. so were all of these people i bet.

this was on our way back in to Ohio coming home....home sweet home.

I love this. It was actually taken on the way TO KY ...crossing the ohio river. I am so afraid of this bridge, its dumb! i love it, but for some reason i have a small fear of bridges. Its better or not as scary if I am the one driving, i think i see less off the sides if i'm driving. It makes me uneasy to not be in control. but its cool...and i took it with my phone :)

this is a better idea of what that suspension bridge we were on looked like. This reminded me of kunfu panda for some reason.

yeah after i climbed that rock. I had to jump back off. we couldnt get around like we thought we could. I just had to laugh cause the two feet i jumped to get up....well it seemed much more going back down. i'm a chicken!

holly mentioned this hole looked like a heart...awwww
Beautiful pictures! Looks like you had a blast!
wow that place looks absolutely beautiful!! great pictures. I like your new background, fall colors are my favorite ever.
wow, it's really pretty there! Looks like a lot of fun!!!
Hey Beth! I am glad you left a comment for me! I actually just found your blog from Mandy's blog! This place looks totally awesome!
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