Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My mom is so funny

My little brother just called to tell me this story. Its easier to mobile blog from the couch than to go get on my computer but This story cannot go untold. Mom & jared are out shopping. Jared has the girls too so when they got to kmart he dropd her off at the door so she could go check on some book. He said he would b right outside waiting for her when she got done.So he was sitting in his car waiting & a dodge durango pulls up. They were waiting on someone too i assume.Well my mom came right back out of kmart with empty arms. She hopped right into the passenger door of the DODGE DURANGO Not jareds car!haha she proceded to tell about how she couldnt find the book.then.Finally looked over& said Oh youre not jared.The man then said i think the guy you are looking for is right behind me.Oh my goodness.My mother makes me laugh so hard.I wish i wouldve been there!I told jared this story is
right up there with the time she took the bank teller tube home& the bank called her to bring it back

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Kristy said...

I love this story! Thanks for sharing! Your mom is too funny!

The Baum Squad said...

Oh, that is hilarious. I can just picture it. I love your mom. Tell her it could happen to anyone and it's Noah's dream to take the bank tube thing home with him. Thanks for sharing. I got a good laugh. Tell your family hi and Merry Christmas.

Cheryl said...

You mom sounds hilarious! Thanks for sharing!