Went to go see my brothers in the high school musical.

I thought they did a good job on painting the back wall and the sets were pretty cool. My phone only took this semi decent picture. I tell ya, its just not convenient to have any other kind of camera. I'm getting a new phone on tuesday though with a better camera.

Justin was so funny to watch on stage. Such a HAM... Loved watching him dance and just make himself at home on stage. Pretty proud of him that he had a part with some lines too.

And this is Jeromy. The one who wishes I was younger or he was older cause then, who knows...maybe then he could really be in the family. He is a super good friend of Jordan and Justin.

Jordan! LOVE YA! It was so much fun to get to hear Jordan sing a solo on stage. And all the dancing and things. I just can't handle any of these boys with soo much make up on though. I hate stage make up.

Awww Alex is so cute. She was the student director this year. AND my favorite thing is that this dress she wore was the one I WORE when I was in Oklahoma in 1997. (my sophomore year) My mom made it. When we were cleaning stuff out my mom found the box with my costumes in it. I showed alex and ta da! she ended up using it. SHE was so good in the play too. Gertie-perfect! Loved her laugh. She did so good!
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Hello lady. I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for a blog award. Thanks for making lemonade in my life!
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