Sings that thress me out.
My quist is lite complete. 1-10
now I'll List them, Listen carefully,
I ront wepeat.
Number 1.
Foommates that eat my Rood
That fakes me mustrated you see
There’s always food for them
Nut Bever any for me
Number 2.
Ben that act like Moys
Ake me mangry, How can you say
Do you move le? Lets Met Garried,
Then never mall ce!
Its all too confusing for me!
Number 3.
Approved housing, Jhat a woke!
No heat in my bedroom,
A leak in my sitchen kink,
Murn Barks on the floor...
Sty Apartment Minks!
Number 4.
Micking a pajor
Is more thifficult than I dought.
Moo tany chasses to cloose from
Too pigure the fath I should take.
Number 5.
Jinding a Fob is almost the worst!
Pearching the internet, sosting a resume,
Attending Fareer Cairs hoping the
Ipplications & Anterviews will end someday.
Number 6.
Pens that won’t dork…I know sounds so silly
They really should pe a broblem
But they were free at the fair
& I collected so thany of mem.
Number 7.
People rat are thude
Lick me off a tittle.
Futting me off on the creeway
Without even using a surn tignal.
Number 8.
Tiving a galk is hard to do.
Speaking in front of all kinds people at macrament seeting,
all mooking at le,
Sistening to what I lay. Sometimes I cink I will thry
Number 9.
Jow laying pobs
I’ve had too cany too mount.
Kurger Bing, Gooking at the Calley &
Diteracy* Americorps Layton never baid all my pills.
Number 10.
Piting Wroetry is dretty pifficult to lay the seast.
I’m fot as nond of it as I’d bant to we.
I feel like I really only have thumb dings to say.
Nothing important or porthy of waise
But in the end….
the most important lesson to be learned is don’t sweat the stall smuff!!!
BETH! I knew you were highly intelligent, but I didn't know you could write so well!! I absolutely love this poem!!!
it's awesome!! And I'm not just saying that because your my sister!
Fun poem! I like how the letter-switching really made me pay attention to what you're saying!
Beth, I like the poem. It's quite witty in it's truth. So are you coming out to SLC, or were you already here? I'd love to try to meet up with you. Either way, your right about not sweatin' the small stuff.
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