Friday, April 25, 2008

April Showers Bring May Flowers???

I went out with my roommate today and this is how we were welcomed by mother April? Really?

apparently spring has sprung here in rexburg.... I can't handle this weather...
I'm going to post a few more pictures. I don't feel like writing a lot over the next little while. Pictures speak a thousand words....consider that "enough said"
love to all...


The Baum Squad said...

How depressing! I'll tell Jace Idaho is out. I'll take the wind over snow in April any day. Love the haircut BTW and the new blog look.

Addie Gaylord said...

Oh man!! That is rough, all though I will say that living here in the desert I miss the snow. But probably not in april. Wishing you warmer and less snowy days ahead.

Zak and Allysia said...

yuck! We left just in time!