Thursday, December 31, 2015

He's here.

Brett Leon Peterson II was born December 8th 2015 at 1042 am. He weighed 7 lbs and was 20 in long.

It was only a few short weeks ago. I had gone to my Thursday weekly doctor visit and was showing some signs of preeclampsia. They decided that over the weekend I should do a 24 hour urine collection. I was told that the on call doctor would let us know about test results. I never heard back on Saturday so I figured no news is good news. My mom was glad because she was getting here on Saturday evening. Well then Sunday was a resting day for me. Brett slept because he was coming off of a night shift. I don't remember much about that Sunday other than we got accepted for our new apartment and that I had a lil meltdown and couldn't sleep until 2 am. And I had been having some contractions as I sat on the couch at Brett's mom and dad's house for our weekly dinner and game night time.

We had planned to get up Monday morning and have IHOP for breakfast and then my mom and I would go check out a couple stores while Brett donated plasma. Things never go how you plan though. I had been up late going over the email about the new apartment and chatting with Brett. I'm glad I had put my phone on silent. Doctor Pugmire called early and left a message. I think I called her back around 10 when I woke up. She said that I was leaking proteins in my urine which meant I did in fact have preeclampsia. She didn't want it getting any worse and since it was almost my due date she said, "how about you go get some breakfast and then come into the hospital so we can have a baby today!" It was something like that anyway. 

I think I was a little bit frazzled to say the least. I was ready and prepared as much as I mentally could be but there were still things I wanted to clean up and stores I wanted to check out before baby arrived. 
But instead I had to decide what my last meal for the next 24 hours would be. My mom took us out to brunch at Robertos. Which turned out kinda funny that I picked this location. I sat down to eat my burrito around 11 and that's when I realized Robertos is where we went to eat to celebrate finding out we were officially pregnant. Things went full circle. After eating we went to get the car seat base from my car that was in the shop. (Did I mention my radiator cracked Saturday night?) Or maybe it was before, but either way we had to run a few errands before we made it to the hospital. I drove up to the hospital an dropped myself off with my mom and we waited for Brett to park the car. As we were checking in we learned that another woman had checked in to have a baby too. The birthing center was full that Monday. It took a few minutes for my room to be finished and clean but then we were in it for the long haul. It didn't feel like it took long for them to bring me my gown and put an IV in my hand. Dang. Just what I wasn't looking forward to = being stuck in bed. I mean I didn't feel like running around but sitting on the couch seemed like more fun. So they started me on the smallest dose of pitocin along with the Lactated Ringer saline solution. Basically the solution that made my feet and hands swell even worse than I thought humanly possible. I also had to have penicillin every 4 hours. Thankfully my first nurse Jenny was awesome at putting in an IV. Oh and they hooked me up to the baby heart monitor and the contraction monitor. I know I spent some time trying to watch tv and chatting but I never could seem to wanna  fall asleep and get any rest. They all warned me but I'm a night person. The sleepiness hadn't set in. I think it was after 8 when Brett's mom and dad came and had pizza for his dinner. They ate in the visitors room while I tried to get some sleep. But there were so many beeping things I couldn't stay asleep. My blood pressure was being checked every half hour and if it was too high it would be to alert a nurse and if any of the drips on the IV were out it would beep until someone changed it. I'm pretty sure I commented how it seemed worse than a McDonald's kitchen with all the beeps. 

I can't remember what time shift change was but that's when I got my second nurse. Not the favorite but that's just because thing got harder. Of course they were slowly bumping up pitocin and contractions gradually were stronger but she couldn't seem to find the baby's heartbeat as well. And she was so mad about it. Later on we realized baby decided he was going to flip an make it harder to pick up. Which meant he needed to have a probe put on his head. Which meant they had to break my water because that hadn't happened on its own yet. I stayed at a 3cm 70% effaced status for quite awhile. My blood pressure was getting to the point that it needed to be controlled too. I wasn't super excited about getting an epidural but Dr. Pugmire said that would also help with lowering BP too. She gave me a short window to pick that or another drug. But then I learned about having to break my water. I decided getting an epidural was the best option for my body, my baby, and my sanity. I mostly remember my second nurse getting all personally upset because I wasn't wanting an epidural right away. I think she was more relieved that I was okay getting one because then her job would be easier. I gave them the okay and shortly after the doc came in to give me my epidural. I am so glad they let my mom sit on the couch behind the nurse and Brett was able to stand next to me to hold my hand. Not everyone gets so lucky. I was in the middle of the process when a resident doctor came into my room to see what was going on. He said he had gotten kicked out of another room. I always thought I wouldn't want to let in any extra people, but it was okay. They talked more and I got to hear what was going on when they doctors were talking back and forth. That was more interesting to me then sitting through the pain anyway.

I should've written this down much sooner than 3 weeks after the fact. I might have remembered more details. I can't remember how long the night really was for me, but I do remember that I only got one hour of sleep. It was from 3-4 am. I needed a break from all of the pain and they gave me extra drugs in my epidural and that helped me feel nothing and let me sleep for awhile. Brett stayed by my side while I slept. I felt bad because I wanted him there but he couldn't sleep. My room didn't have enough sleeping spots for all of my visitors. Both our moms were with us through the night. We really thought I was going to be having the baby before Brett's mom had to go back to work. She ended up not being able to get a substitute either. I felt bad, but I was focused on getting the baby here.

The memories that stand out the most are when I just couldn't take it anymore. I felt like there was no more strength left in me. Each push was bringing baby closer and closer. I had been pushing for hours. I have always had some right hip pain and that was something that was making pushing and relaxing harder too. I couldn't get comfortable enough to get any rest in between pushes. It was rough. I had asked Brett if he could just say a little prayer that this baby would come soon. I think he didn't realize that I wanted him to say it out loud at first. And then I don't remember all the words he said but I do remember hearing the tears in his voice. I think we were both nervous. The doctor told me we could do a csection if I really wanted to but that she thought I could do it because there was progress with every push. I think it was only 10-15 minutes after the prayers and a few extra pushes and he was here. Brett and the doctor had suited up in their gowns and Brett was able to help in catching little Brett to welcome him into the world.

That might have been the biggest relief and strangest feeling ever. No words to describe. They brought him up to where I could see him. I just remember crying and asking to hold him. Brett said, we haven't even cut the cord yet. It all happened so fast. There were so many people in the room and I didn't really noticed anyone but my Bretts. I know the doctor was still delivering my placenta and nurses were prepping to take the baby from me to get his stats, but they put him on my chest. All I could say was how cute he was and it looked like he had my nose. And then as silly as it seemed I thought it was so cute when he peed on me. I was holding him and crying and thinking how tiny he was. His cute lil bum was sitting on me and we were just hanging out. His eyes were so bright and wide. He didn't shut them for the whole first hour it seemed like. Oh and that head of hair was so adorable.

It all seems like a blur. I was just so glad that they let me and Brett keep our baby in our room and with me for quite a few hours before taking him away for more tests. And he was such a champ when it came to his first feeding time. It all seemed to go fairly perfect.

There's more to the hospital stay story but this was it, our little boy had arrived at 10:42 am. He was 7 lbs even and 20 inches long. 14 in head. He was healthy as can be. We are so happy he is a part of our family and we love him so much.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

34 weeks 4 days

I really wish I could do a proper count down to baby but the only thing is December 11th is only the estimated date of arrival. And honestly I'm pretty sure this is a conceive date of March 14th do the math. Doesn't really matter because it's still hard to say when conditions will be just right to have our new arrival in our arms. 

It's been almost a week since my mom has come and gone. I have things to update about. Brett reminded me that I hadn't really mentioned his new job. Since August 18th he's been working for Basic American Foods here in Blackfoot. I think he likes it well enough. We are glad to have benefits that come with full time employment. We have both been to the dentist. I can't get my cavities filled until after baby gets here though. There was a little health fair at Brett's work and he won a drawing. Free weekly punch pass to the eastern idaho state fair that was the first week in September. Not sure if I mentioned that. That was fun getting to go a few days together to do some fun different things and eat some fair food. 

So I mentioned my mom came for a visit. I'm so lucky she was able to come spend some time with me and help me get things ready for when the baby gets here. I wish I would've thought to take some before pictures an after pictures. But all I got was a video from the last night my mom was in town. We just walked through the house and I talked about what we got done. I wanted to share the link but I'm not figuring that out on my mobile blogging site. We got so much done and still did a few fun things together too. 

As far as pregnancy things I'd like to document and remember....Blackfoot isn't so great at the education part of this childbirth experience. I learn more online. I like my doctors ok enough. I don't like the pelvic pain. I'm not a fan of bending over and having my belly squished. I'm almost to the point I don't want to drive. Yesterday I was having short / small contractions. I wake up at least twice a night to pee. My nails are growing like weeds since I'm finally letting them. I've officially taken a break from doing massage. The constant pull on my belly and occasional back pain (oh and let's not forget the weak bladder) made me decide it was time to call it quits for a bit. So Brett told me for FHE he would pain my nails for me. He did an ok job. Go check out my Instagram for that photo. 

Brett and I went to his sisters Halloween party on Saturday night. I'm glad we picked an easy costume. You can refer to Facebook for that picture. Apparently we did good because our picture is close to 200 friends having "liked" the picture. Skeleton ninja baby in my tummy along with Brett's skeleton and fast food filled belly was a winner. 

Well I'm ready for a nap again. This whole not being able to get comfy to sleep thing is making me sleepy. Till next time.  

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

32 weeks 3 days

I'm not sure I've talked or written much about my last doctors appointment other than to say I think I just have white coat syndrome. My blood pressure was crazy high when I got in and then 120/78 when I got checked right before leaving. That's the most normal reading I've gotten yet. I also got a Tdap shot in my arm this last visit. That shot is a beast. My arm still hurts and that appointment was days ago. My next appointment will be the second to last day that my mom is here. So she will get to hear baby's heartbeat too. I think the heartbeat was around 145 and the doctor told us I'm still measuring two weeks big. This kid is a giant I guess but it's not showing in my belly size yet. It shows some but not like petite ladies show. We took this picture a week ago. I guess I'll share one. It's not a favorite but it's something. 
I'll take a few more when I'm feeling bigger. 

I'm still having fun most days feeling kicks. I don't love the feel of rolling though. The jabs seem more deliberate. They don't make me nauseous. 

Brett and I went to see a rock opera called Deep Love. I haven't felt the baby kick so constantly for so long until that Saturday night. We have a music lover on our hands for sure. I made sure to tap Brett's back every time I felt a kick so he could feel included too. 

My moms getting here Tuesday (which is technically today) so I better get some rest. I'll post some updates after her and I get some projects done too. 

Monday, September 28, 2015

29 weeks 3 days

I have life things that are always calling my name like... Sending out bills, folding laundry, washing and putting away dishes, and dirty bathrooms needing attention. I should probably eventually get up and shower too. No check list or to do list is motivating me to get up today though. For the last week I've had an aching/spasm thing on my right side at the top of where I'd assume my ribs are. I feel so confused about internal anatomy lately. When there's a separate set of every single human life organ making room and growing inside of me I just tend to wonder where my own organs and things have wandered off to. Anyway, that spasm thing only subsides when I'm laying flat on my back. We spent most of yesterday busy doing things. Sitting up at church is the only normal thing to do. I mean I'd sure love to be like my primary class and sprawl out over 3 chairs or tilt the chair back until I'm almost ready to fall over, but I resisted. Then I got to watch the women's conference broadcast on YouTube from the comfort of my own couch while Brett helped do some laundry. Then we went to his parents house for dinner and games. I'm guessing we were there 5 hours which was mostly spent in the sitting up position. So the achy spot was burning and I was so ready for bed when I got home. I wish I could take an ibuprofen for this pain. No such luck. I used some oils yesterday since I remembered I have them. (Oh yeah, how could I forget we were late to church because I got a sharp pain in my abdomen. I tried waiting it out. I put oils on myself then just suffered through it on the way to church) I don't know if I mentioned yet that I'm finally getting some stretch marks that are really  dark. I was beginning to think I might get away with no scary ones for a little bit longer. Couple more things then I'll be done posting today. 
I woke up early this morning for a potty break and when I got back to bed I had what I'd say was my first real noticeable contraction. Not that I thought I was going into labor or anything but I know my body has to start practicing sometime. It was not pleasant. It was like my awful period cramps. The kind you feel through your abdomen to your thighs to your lower back. That's when I thought....I'm so not ready for this. But ready or not this last ten weeks will probably fly and only bring more uncomfortable feelings. If it wasn't so annoying I might remember more often how much I hoped and prayed for these days. Haha please be careful what you pray for, you just might get it. I've always wanted to start a family. And of course, you take the good with the bad. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

28 weeks 2 days

Yesterday my friend in Rexburg had a small little baby shower for me. It was a pretty relaxed day. I'm so glad a few of my friends could get together and chat for awhile, play a couple of games and spend time together. It's always weird getting groups of friends because not all of them ever really all know each other. I am so appreciative of everything that was gifted to me and baby though. Wow just wow. I wish thank you felt like enough but it never does. I'm slowly gathering all the things I need for when baby gets here. I still don't feel like I know how to answer the question of "what do you still need?"
I need help cleaning my kitchen and moving stuff around in my house honestly. Not much I really have felt like doing lately. Tiredness is my best friend. Thankfully baby has been super active. It is always a good reminder of what all my pains and aches are for. 
Doctors appointments have been going fine. My blood pressure is high but not overly high. (It's been worse before) I took a glucose tolerance test again and still not diabetic. I'm borderline so I still need to be careful to eat a healthy mix of foods but other than that things are going well. I've gained 13 lbs total throughout this pregnancy so far. My ankles haven't been swelling. Really it's just my sore hips and right SI joint that bugs me the most. Even the heart burn has only come a couple of times. 
I'm pretty impatient but really time has flown by. 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Happy Birthday Brett

This post is dedicated to my man Brett. He had a birthday yesterday. I wish we could've done more to celebrate but after he worked a 12 hour shift we went to idaho falls. He still wanted to get in his plasma donation. 

After doing the plasma thing we headed over to Denny's and he got his free birthday meal. Which meant we weren't even headed home until after his bedtime. 

None of these pictures have anything to do with each other. Sometimes I just like getting pictures of him. He's always willing to let me take them too. We get to celebrate with his family on Sunday. 

I'm so thankful he's in my life. I can't believe it was a full year ago on his birthday evening that I found him on Tinder and started chatting. It wasn't real memorable but hey, the birthday day was. I made sure to get him a birthday present last year even though it was late. 

And it looks like I'll be consistent on that again this year. Late birthday presents are better than no birthday presents right?

Love you Brett and I'm sorry I don't have more energy or creativity right now. This child of yours inside of me is zapping me lately. I'll still bake you that cake though 😀

Friday, August 14, 2015

Thoughts too long for a fb status update

More and more my hormones remind me that I'm pregnant. I'm actually going to have a baby. Blows my mind. 

This morning Brett got home and had to hurry up and get a few hours of sleep. We had been making plans for months to be in a backup choir for the Nashville Tribute Band. Our call time was 3. Brett wanted to make sure to get in his plasma  donation too. So with only a few hours to sleep I put some lavender in the diffuser and then rubbed some on his feet. Then I went to go get some weekend laundry done. That's when I heard dripping from the closet where the hot water heater was. I'm not sure why I got so worked up. I was a little bit freaking out. I couldn't get ahold of the landlord or my brother and the in laws didn't know how to fix it. I called my dad and he helped. But not before I woke up Brett because I couldn't deal with it on my own without him knowing I was freaking out. Why in the world was I crying?! I've fixed bigger problems with less tears. Dang this baby. 

Thankfully Brett eventually slept and I got some laundry done and I got showered. Life was ok. The landlord finally text and said they're sending someone over on Monday. I guess I'll ask this plumber a few more questions about the apartment too. 

We made it to our call time. Things were not quite clear on instructions throughout the evening. I guess with big events you just expect that. Once we made it to Sandy Downs we had our sound check rehearsal. It was fun. I'll just jump ahead and say....little did we know that was the only time we would get to sing with them. I'll post a YouTube video on the events of the night. 

While we waited for our showtime I was texting my mom. She wants to see belly pictures. Well I'm not your normal sized or skinny sized pregnant girl. Anyone who knows me knows that. Everyone is different too. I get that. But I will say it's a little strange to be 23 weeks pregnant. (Pregnancy is 40 weeks long FYI) and I'm not showing any prominent abnormal belly bulge. I've always had a belly on me and this kid is growing underneath in a cozy casing of my uterus and adipose tissue. Hiding so far down that it won't show off very well any distinguishing sex organs. So when I seem emotional and tired and cranky... I more look fat and lazy not pregnant and emotional. It's probably  got an upside, like, no ones reaching to touch my pregnant belly yet but it's just weird that I'm over halfway through this and it's not visible. I usually like to stay in the shadows or be low key but I gotta stop reading pregnancy articles from my pregnancy app. They keep talking about normal pregnancy stuff and my situation isn't like others. It's dumb feeling like I can't relate to anyone else's experience. It's not fun but oh well. Everything isn't always roses and sunshine. Just feeling kind of down tonight and I still have no friends in town. So I might as well talk to the blog before I head to bed. 

Goodnight. I'm out.


Monday, August 10, 2015

August 1st...

Brett thinks I should blog about my day when I have rough days. I guess its better than posting a long grumpy facebook post where I can't really explain in a few words what's really going on in my day. 
I woke up early to get ready for our choir practice that was in Idaho falls. I never do so well when I jump up and get ready fast. I knew that and I started to watch a video and decided I had an hour but that wasn't enough to shower and do everything. No big deal. I showered late in the day yesterday. I knew we were planning on getting in a pool today too soo no big deal. Well I watched a video for a half hour then sat down to eat some cereal and take my vitamins. I should've stuck with a good ol bagel and cream cheese. It hasn't done me wrong yet for a breakfast fix. Well then I got all dressed and was getting ready to leave. I hate to say this, but I don't wear a bra enough because its so restricting and makes me feel like I'm choking. Since I was going to be in public I thought I better suck it up and put one on. Sheesh. I don't know how people can over do it when they are pregnant?? My body revolts. I sat down on the couch and thought I'd be okay. Negative. I puked on the floor....ewww I hate feeling yucky. I got to the bathroom and disrobed and the feeling almost went away but not before gagging up the rest of my cereal. Yes this is probably a little too detailed, but why not. Then I tried to clean up my mess in the living room. Fail! Made me sick again. At least this time it was on the towel I brought out to clean up the mess. And so I gave up. I text Brett and said, sorry, it's not happening today. Then I went back to sleep. I had to pull it together before I had to go to work. I woke up again a few hours later and didn't eat before going to work. Probably wasn't my best massage I've ever given either :(  I need to maybe have a special next month to get some more business and get in some more activity. 

The good parts about the day were when I was trying to take it easy I actually felt the baby move so much. It was the most distinct feeling yet. I had questionable moments of feeling baby before but today was for sure. Then when Brett got home and woke me up he had his hand on my belly and felt the baby move too. I thought that was kind of cool that we felt the baby for sure on the same day. It was different times but still the same day. 

We spent some time the rest of the evening at his parents house. His brother bought and above ground 15 ft pool. I'm not even sure how long we were out playing in the pool but it was fun to get in the water for a change. 

Anyway, that's really all I care to write about for awhile.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

19 wks

I went in to get my level 2 ultrasound on Friday. That put me right at 19 weeks according to the doctors first calculations.

Everything went well. And of course the main question everyone has Girl or Boy? 

I have to say that I gave this ultrasound gal a run for her money, or maybe it was my baby giving her a hard time. She found the heartbeat first and let us listen. Then she measured all the other vital parts. Belly. Brain. Head. Fluids. Placenta checked out ok too as far as I know. Everything was fine and dandy until we wanted to know specifics. This baby was...

Squirmy and legs crossed all the way up by the head. I wish I would've been further along so I could've felt the movement the same time as I was seeing it. So crazy. After some crazy maneuvers on my part she took some good pictures then told us some stats and sent us home with a cd of the still photos she took. I was super surprised that baby is measuring at over 20weeks. And... I can't believe the baby was .8 lbs. I've got an almost one pounder in there! 

The real bummer is that when I tried to pull up some pictures to post in this blog....the cd is empty :( 

And to be completely honest I never intended to come home and share the gender right away. We will see. It might come out before the birthday. If we decide to share I'll post it here eventually. I wanted to know and Brett wanted a secret so we compromised with keeping it to ourselves for a little while. So speculate all you want but I'll just say it's always a 50/50 guess :) Sorry if it makes some people mad, but you'll be okay. Just give it some time and you'll eventually know.


OF COURSE THEY SAVE THE PICTURES.... What was I so worried about ? :)

I'll share some

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Glucose Tolerance Test (3 hour)

I went into to hospital lab this morning to do this 3 hour blood test. I won't give all the details, but I'll give a few of them. I only had to take this one because my sugar levels were too high during the 1 hr glucose test I took last week. I was borderline insulin resistant before getting pregnant so I was worried about it being a problem during pregnancy. I wanted to find out sooner than later if it was an issue.

Well anyway....I chose the fruit punch 100 gram sugar drink and then the blood draws began. One to start with and then one each hour for 3 hours.

At 6pm I got a call from my doctors office letting me know that the results were fine. I don't have gestational diabetes. I didn't bother asking if we will have to test again later. I hope this is for good. I guess I better start making healthier choices. I don't do horrible, but I know there is always room for improvement.

I also got a call saying our quad screen blood test came back negative as well. Good news on two tests today. Just thought I'd share.

And ps, Brett is back on 3rd shift. Not my favorite. I hope we can find him a permanent job before the baby comes with better hours and some perks or benefits. Good vibes, prayers and all that would be appreciated.


Tuesday, July 7, 2015

17w 4d

I guess I haven't been so good about pregnancy updates. I should do better since it is out there for everyone to know now. We had been busy with family reunion stuff and then getting unpacked and getting things cleaned up after vacation seemed to take forever. 

Everyone was telling me I could look forward to second trimester because then I'd get my energy back. That seemed like a joke. Have I mentioned morning sickness only set in late in my first trimester and then continued for a couple more weeks. I also had gotten to the point where anything I was wearing that was remotely tight or close to my neck made me gag. I can't even wear my wedding ring without getting sick. Weird junk like that is what my life is all about right now. 

I will say I had some prayers answered that I could make it through a cross country road trip without too much incident. I never once got sick in the car. I don't think I blew up on anyone or cried in public at all. I even made it on a hike through mammoth cave in Kentucky. I got to visit friends in Nebraska and I also got to visit my family in ohio for a couple days too. All of that was on our way to Alabama. It was fun meeting Brett's extended family on his moms side. I really did have a good time. I just wish I wouldn't have been so tired so much. 

Last Friday I had a doctors appointment. I asked for a glucose screening a lil early. The doctor ok'd it. So after we asked all of our questions and booked our next appointment and I drank the tasty sugary orange drink we headed to the lab for a blood draw. I'm glad we asked for the tests. As it turns out I failed the glucose test. Which means I need further more in depth testing to see if I have gestational diabetes. They also mentioned that I'm anemic. I apparently switched to a prenatal vitamin that didn't include iron. Oops. Not a wise choice on my part. Oh well. After a few days on an additional iron supplement I'm feeling like this energy I've heard about is coming back. Yay! 

I'm not sure there's really much else to update about. My three hour glucose Tolerance test is tomorrow morning. 

I have normal aches and pains. My belly is always cold but everything else is always hot. Feverish feelings come and go. I am a lil stuffy and full of mucus.  My feet have only gotten swollen a couple times but the fat feet went away after keeping them up and a good nights rest. 

Well that's that. I guess maybe I'll update again once I know the other test results. Oh and honestly... I already had a belly before getting pregnant so I'm only slightly showing. Clothes would fit me I I felt like squeezing into them but I'd rather wear bigger things. Maternity clothes for plus size girls also don't exist! Sheesh. Oh well. I wear skirts and dresses as much as I can and some clothes I inherited from my late aunt Linda.