Sunday, November 30, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
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Sunday, November 23, 2008
Tonight after getting home from my anatomy review class I chilled with my mom for a bit then went to visit with some friends. I love it when you get a room full of people with different thoughts on the same subject. It can get tense at times....but sometimes, such as tonight it took a turn for a little bit that I thought was interesting. It started out by talking about how we compare ourselves to each other. Guys mostly in the sense that they want to be other guys (competition) and girls just want to BE other girls...(this is all just obviously doesn't hold true with each and every guy and gal) It was all very general talking and then New Friend said a few things that made me think. Or maybe just reminded me of where I stand with my Father in Heaven. He was talking about babysitting for his nephews and how it made him think about becoming a parent someday. Just thinking about the lessons you can learn about being a father from kids and how to compare that with our relationship with God. He got to watch his nephews one day and everything was good until he heard the 4 yr old scream really loud and then he heard a door slam and he went to go see what was wrong. The 4 yr old was in the bathroom crying and freaking out because he had accidentally wet his pants. He knew how much this was something his father hated. Or maybe he knew it would displease him. Now in reality that lil boys father got home and heard about it and said eh, no big deal. It happens. He just wants him to know that its not good. He didn't stop loving him or even punish him because of what happened. Maybe all this isn't a complete and perfect parallel but even still....He did demonstrate a good point to me. That lil boy has stopped wetting his pants. He originally wanted to make sure he did what was right and good and didnt want to make his father upset because he knew how much he hated it when he peed his pants. Sad to think this 4 yr old was so hard on himself whenever all he needed was a friend, (or uncle) to help him clean up the mess. His father just taught him what was right and tried to do it because he loved him. I guess I think I need to take a look inward and recheck motives for myself. AND try to just clean up the mess after my mistakes and realize Heavenly Father wont hate me because I make mistakes. I just need to try to keep doing better and not make it a habit of bad patterns. Thats totally it. Its repentance. Who thought a kid wetting his pants could ever turn into such a lesson. It was just interesting...I'm not even sure I wrote down all the major points here, but seriously....It was good...and totally off the cuff. I know he didnt come over planning to tell that story. It really was just his testimony. Almost got a lil teary eyed telling the story. Came from the heart. I needed a good -make me think- story/lesson tonight. Thanks New Friend. I will do better. I know I can change my ways.
Friday, November 21, 2008
What do you think of my friend?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
This message was sent using the Picture and Video Messaging service from Verizon Wireless!
To learn how you can snap pictures and capture videos with your wireless phone visit
To play video messages sent to email, QuickTime� 6.5 or higher is required. Visit to download the free player or upgrade your existing QuickTime� Player. Note: During the download process when asked to choose an installation type (Minimum, Recommended or Custom), select Minimum for faster download.
Monday, November 17, 2008
First snow
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Spandex is not for everyone... (written by Katie Bills)

Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Thankful Post
Monday, November 10, 2008
Mormon monopoly
Such a good game of monopoly at geoff and bobs house
updated....i'm home and the game is over...i kicked their trash alll really bad. It was awesome. I havent played a full game of monopoly in at least 6 months :)
i worked all day today and then gave a massage on top of it. Then had a headache so i took a nap, then woke up and went to was just a super busy day so i'm glad i got to end it by doing something pretty relaxed. And now its really time to head to bed so that I can get sleep...tomorrow is my friends birthday and i gotta do a lil somethin somethin for her.
gooood night
Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Mobile blogging...amazing!
Got it finally
Holy crap! Miracles really do happen. I got my admission card to take the exam on dec 2nd. Guess im still in shock. Wow ....
perhaps i should be fasting from my computer for the next three weeks.... some super cramming time is in order.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Halloween with friends...

Halloween at Jakes House....

Jake got many compliments on all of his pumpkins. He does new cool ones every year. My favorite one from a few years back was chicken little. This was my favorite one this year though.

AND...last picture...Jake sitting on the porch passing out candy. I kind of got tired of walking around with the kids. Not to mention my costume was making me freeze. So I sat with Jake and watched the kids all come and ask for candy. Some kids were so hilarious. We were giving the bengals fans a hard time. Telling their parents to buy them browns stuff next year. And my favorite were the kids who walked up and didnt say anything. So Jake encouraged them.."now what do you say??" oh it was soo funny. Um..."thank you?" , "please".... TRICK OR TREAT!!! haha Jake was like. Um, why did you say thank you, I didnt give you anything yet. He was having wayy too much fun.

Yesterday...we got a piano. My roommate Holly works for Habitat for Humanity. They have a RE-Store (just what they call it) People donate stuff to the store and then the store is open a few days a week to just sell things. Well someone called and wanted to donate a piano. Holly was the first on that one to say she wanted to buy it. We are so super excited to have a piano in our home/apartment. We did some major moving of furniture around. And now the major task is getting the smoke smell out of it. ANY IDEAS? I've heard vinegar, apple slices, coffee, baking soda.....are all things that would absorb the smell. I have taken multiple layers of nasty film/nicotine or something off the piano and we are letting it air out, but man... Smoking isnt just bad for your lungs. Its bad for your surroundings too! I read something online that a woman had said they now own a musical ashtray. Seriously. Its making our house WREEEEK. I'm so glad the weather is nice enough to keep our front door and windows open so it can air out. Hopefully its really helping the piano. And hopefully we get it tuned soon. Now to just teach myself how to play left hand. I have already taught myself everything I know how to play on the piano. Mostly just enough to sing a few hymns.