Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dec 1

Today is the day.

I started reading a book a week ago. I don't have it with me but it reminded me that I should be journaling everyday. You never know what is important in the everyday things of life until you look back on it. Okay, I'm sure I have had moments were I knew something that happened in life would be pivotal, but even still...I just want to remember to write about the everyday potentially unimportant things off life and see if anything I'd interesting years from now.

I'm moving back into wanitas house this week.

I just got back from a trip to buhl Idaho.

Girls night last night with wanita and Stephanie was so much fun :) even if I woke up today feeling sick and missed church :(  you win some you lose some.

Busy week, but I'm trying to not rush my life away and say I'll be more happy when....fill in the blank...happens.

I'm still working on campus and at the chiropractors office. I've started the process of getting my Idaho massage license. I've gotten so much opportunity to do massage here. I find it interesting because I came here thinking I would be done with massage for awhile. That has not even been close to my life. I've loved being able to work with girls here in Idaho. It's fun to see how Emily runs her business. I wonder if I will be able to get put on the schedule soon.

Ok. I'll be back tomorrow to post more

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